Nature-Based Global Emissions Offset Standard Spot Product
The Nature-Based Global Emissions Offset Standard Spot Product represents a standardized, cleared contract for immediate (“spot”) physical delivery of voluntary emissions offsets meeting defined criteria (“N-GEOs”). N-GEOs acceptable for delivery meet the Defining Criteria and other requirements identified and described in the CBL Standard Instruments Program.
Product Code
Clearing & Settlement
Asset Units associated with Products that are the subject of Transactions are pre-cleared and physically settled through Market Operator’s Payment versus Delivery Clearing and Settlement structure. Asset Units are delivered on a spot basis (intra-day based on netted end of day positions) into the Participant’s Market Registry Account, an account exclusively dedicated for use in connection with the Market.
Lot Size
Minimum Price Fluctuation
The price convention shall be $0.01 per GEO
Verra Registry
Trading Hours
Market is open 23 hours per day, 365 days per year.