The integration hub accelerating the global energy transition

Xpansiv Connect provides all market participants with seamless, direct access to automated settlement and portfolio management features integrated with leading global registries, marketplaces, and a worldwide network of thousands of market end users and intermediaries.

Through its comprehensive suite of open APIs, Xpansiv Connect provides seamless access to key operations, liquidity and data pools, streamlining and standardizing workflows across global environmental commodities markets.

Centralized Management of Environmental Commodities Across Registries

Xpansiv® Connect Registries

All Your Positions, One Simple Screen

This screen shot shows the Consolidated Account view. Note how simple it is to see your position across disparate registries, and how it brings everything together so you can manage and schedule your entire environmental portfolio from one user-friendly utility.

Xpansiv® Connect™:

  • ACR
  • Climate Action Reserve (CAR)
  • EcoRegistry
  • Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT)
  • Evident.
  • New England Power Pool (NEPOOL)
  • North American Renewables Registry (NAR)
  • North Carolina Renewable Tracking System (NC-RETS)
  • New York Generation Attribute Tracking System (NYGATS)
  • Michigan Renewable Energy Certification System (MIRECS)
  • Midwest Renewable Energy Tracking System (M-RETS)
  • PJM Environmental Information Services (PJM EIS)
  • Verified Carbon Standard (Verra)
  • The International Tracking Standard Foundation (I-TRACK)
  • Tradable Instrument for Global Renewable (TIGR)
Learn More About Xpansiv Connect Portfolio Management

“Trafigura welcomes the ongoing development of efficient market infrastructure and robust data platforms to scale the environmental commodities markets.  Our collaboration with key enablers such as data providers and marketplaces is central to building transparency and liquidity and we look forward to working with Xpansiv to deliver these much-needed solutions to support these developing markets.”

Hannah Hauman
Global Head of Carbon Trading

“The carbon credit market is an essential component of any climate transition plan. We are proud that through this new open market platform our carbon market data and analytics will add value to even more investors as they look for ways to make their climate action plans a reality.”

Guy Turner
Head of MSCI Carbon Markets

“Accessibility is vital to scaling any market. As the first to integrate Xpansiv Connect for use in the voluntary carbon market, Patch is able to offer carbon credit buyers and sellers an even more efficient and transparent means to supporting climate solutions at gigatonne scale.”

Brennan Spellacy
Co-founder & CEO

“This partnership aligns well with GoNetZero’s aim to accelerate the world’s shift towards net-zero emissions. Through Xpansiv Connect’s robust infrastructure, we endeavour to enhance our offerings by providing our clients with real-time and seamless access to essential services and markets. We are excited to work alongside Xpansiv to drive meaningful change towards a net-zero future.”

Soon Sze Meng

“By leveraging Xpansiv Connect’s technical infrastructure, we aim to deliver essential elements of Saudi Arabia’s first carbon exchange and ensure that Riyadh continues to build its standing as a global financial center.  RVCMC exchange aims to help to scale up global supply and demand, channeling much needed climate finance across the Global South in the future.”

Riham ElGizy

Customers and
Partners include:

  • Sustainability Teams
  • Project Developers
  • Trading Firms, Banks
  • Market Intermediaries
  • Registries, Data Providers
  • Environmental Accounting Systems
  • Energy Trading Risk Management (ETRM) Systems
  • Platforms/Exchanges
  • Ratings Agencies
Open APIs
Provides seamless access to key operations, liquidity and data pools, streamlining and standardizing workflows across global environmental commodities markets.
Streamlined Workflows
Multi-asset portfolio management across multiple registries and asset types from a single screen.
Proven Technology
Over 1 billion asset transfers annually within Xpansiv’s portfolio management system.
Reduced Risks
Seamless automated settlement with leading registries and banks minimizes delivery and payment risks.
Instant Scale
Extensive global counterparty network with thousands of market participants spanning carbon, RECs, water and digital fuels® markets.

Open APIs provide access to modular liquidity, settlement, portfolio management, and data platforms, enabling expedited time to market with proven technology and seamless interoperability.

For More Information
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