While absolute emissions reductions must remain the top priority for the maritime industry, rigorous offsetting can play an important role in accelerating the pace of transition to a net-zero future. In recent months, new products have been introduced to simplify the purchase of high-quality carbon credits. Xpansiv market CBL developed the Global Emissions Offset™ (GEO™), tradable on CBL, as a standardized carbon-offset contract that conforms to stringent International Civil Aviation Organization requirements. This contract enables corporates to buy high-quality credits without first having to screen hundreds of individual, underlying offset projects. Also recently announced is the N-GEO™, which will be composed of Agriculture, Forestry, and Other Land Use (AFOLU) projects with additional Climate, Community, and Biodiversity (CCB) accreditation. The CCB Standards can be applied to eligible land-management projects, promoting innovation from early-stage project design through development and implementation.