CBL Settles ESG Transaction Through ASX Austraclear
CBL Settles First ESG-Commodity Spot Transaction Through ASX Austraclear
- Highlights growing appetite for ESG-related commodities
- Expands CBL market to entire Australian energy market
SYDNEY – 26 April 2021 — Xpansiv, the global marketplace for ESG-inclusive commodities, today announced its first CBL exchange transaction to be settled through Austraclear.
The trade of Australian Renewable Energy Certificates was executed through Xpansiv market CBL, the leading spot exchange for energy, environmental, and ESG commodities and settled through the Australian Securities Exchange’s (ASX) Austraclear, signaling the expansion of ASX into the fast-growing ESG commodity sector. Austraclear is a licensed clearing and settlement facility with more than 900 members, including leading participants in the Australian capital and energy markets.
Xpansiv Chief Commercial Officer Ben Stuart said the relationship between CBL and the ASX facilitates the connection of ESG commodities and mainstream markets, reducing barriers to entry by enabling participants to leverage existing market infrastructure.
“This development will provide credit efficiencies for an expanded range of market participants, as well as enhancing price discovery and market liquidity on CBL,” Stuart said. “This landmark trade and Austraclear connection expands CBL’s market infrastructure to the entire Australian energy market. It also highlights the growing market sophistication and appetite for ESG-oriented commodities in Australia.”
“ASX welcomes CBL to the Austraclear network—one of the most established financial networks in Australia,” said Helen Lofthouse, Executive General Manager, Derivatives and OTC Markets at ASX. “Integrating ESG criteria in investment decisions is a trend that will continue to grow and will increasingly be an area of investor focus.”
CBL is planning to utilise Austraclear for further market opportunities in Australia as it continues to bring innovation, transparency and efficiency to energy, environmental, and ESG commodity markets.
This announcement follows Xpansiv’s acquisition of OTX, a European-based market-access provider for Compulsory Stockholding Obligations (CSOs), rapidly expanding into renewable fuels and renewable fuel certificates.
About Xpansiv
Xpansiv is the global market for ESG-inclusive commodities, bringing transparency and liquidity to markets and empowering participants to value energy, carbon, and water to meet the challenges of an information-rich, resource-constrained world. The company’s main business units include CBL, the leading spot exchange for ESG commodities, including carbon, renewable energy certificates, and Digital Natural Gas™; H2OX, the leading spot exchange for water in Australia; and XSignals, which provides end-of-day and historical market data. Xpansiv is the digital nexus where ESG and price signals merge. Xpansiv.com
About Austraclear
One of the most established financial networks in Australia, Austraclear has a reputation for providing reliable service and near-perfect system availability. The system provides seamless delivery versus payment (DvP), ensuring an instant and irrevocable exchange of cash and security ownership. It is designed to minimise operational and settlement risk by reducing or eliminating manual processing and requires minimal capital investment to implement.
AU Contacts
Michael Mullane, Xpansiv PR: michael.mullane@edelman.com or +61 (0)414 590 296
Brigitte Sardelic, Xpansiv PR: Brigitte.Sardelic@edelman.com or +61 (0)434 387 497
US Contact
Rob Dalton, Xpansiv VP Communications—rdalton@xpansiv.com