Xpansiv Selects Daml to Scale New ESG Platform

Xpansiv Selects Daml to Scale New ESG Platform in Global Commodity Markets

NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO, SYDNEY – 27 April 2021 — Xpansiv, the global marketplace for ESG-inclusive commodities, has announced that it will be using Daml, a multi-party application platform created by Digital Asset, to underpin its infrastructure and enable the rapid scaling of ESG commodities in global markets. The partnership builds on both companies’ pioneering efforts in digitization and market innovation by collaborating on Xpansiv’s next-generation platform that will use Daml to transform raw physical commodity data into tradable, ESG-inclusive assets.

Xpansiv’s Daml-driven architecture ensures an immutable record of production and ESG data for the entire lifecycle of a digital commodity, from asset creation to trading. This enables ESG-minded consumers to procure assets with confidence and in accordance with standardized climate accounting regimes.

“The ESG wave continues to build,” said Xpansiv CEO Joe Madden. “We have applied our core-competency in ESG and commodity-market infrastructure to prove what’s possible, drive liquidity, and build relationships with established market participants. Now it’s time to scale, which requires process standardization and interoperability, and Digital Asset is the ideal partner to help us build that ESG ecosystem. This partnership delivers a one-plus-one-equals-four scenario.”

Daml applications—which can run on multiple blockchains, databases, and cloud technologies—power the world’s mission-critical systems, including exchanges, clearing houses, banks, insurance companies, and supply-chain infrastructure providers. Now Xpansiv’s ESG network, which includes global energy and agricultural producers, commodity merchants, investment banks, price reporters, derivatives exchanges, certifications, standards bodies, utilities, and airlines, will also be Daml-driven, enabling unlimited scale.

“Xpansiv with Daml is a powerful combination that will set the standard for ESG markets worldwide,” said Yuval Rooz, Digital Asset Co-founder and CEO. “Using Daml to underpin the infrastructure for new data-driven, ESG-inclusive assets—like methane performance, GHG intensity, and carbon-removal products—will drive liquidity and enable these new markets to flourish. Xpansiv is at the heart of this movement, and we look forward to building a next-generation platform alongside the Xpansiv team who are already writing Daml.”

For Digital Asset, today’s announcement builds on its long-standing relationship with Xpansiv, including a recent Daml-driven prototype for creating next-generation, ESG-tradable assets that the two firms successfully completed at the end of 2020.

For Xpansiv, this partnership marks another milestone on its strategic path to advance its market position, expand into new geographies, and accelerate its growth in global commodity products. It follows a partnership announcement with Validere, the first and only data-intelligence platform for oil and gas product quality, and the launch of new products like the Global Emissions Offset™ and the recently announced N-GEO™ to help address immediate ESG exposure and accelerate progress toward net-zero goals.

About Xpansiv

Xpansiv is the global market for ESG-inclusive commodities. These Intelligent Commodities bring transparency and liquidity to markets, empowering participants to value energy, carbon, and water to meet the challenges of an information-rich, resource-constrained world. The company’s main business units include CBL, the leading spot exchange for ESG commodities, including carbon, renewable energy certificates, and Digital Natural Gas™; H2OX, the leading spot exchange for water in Australia; and XSignals, which provides end-of-day and historical market data. Xpansiv is the digital nexus where ESG and price signals merge. Xpansiv.com

About Digital Asset

Digital Asset helps companies of all sizes and across industries get distributed applications to market faster, and stay there longer. At the core of our service offering is Daml, an application platform unconstrained by organizational boundaries. Companies can create new multi-party solutions that transform disparate silos into synchronized networks, eradicating latency and errors by guaranteeing consistent data. Digital Asset works with leading organizations in financial services, healthcare and insurance, including five of the top ten stock exchanges in the world. In 2020, CB Insights named Daml as one of the top blockchain networks for capital markets. DigitalAsset.com

US Contact: Rob Dalton, Xpansiv VP Communications—rdalton@xpansiv.com

AU Contact: Michael Mullane, Xpansiv PR Contact—michael.mullane@edelman.com